INFOGRAPHIC: The Benefits of Microsoft Azure for Councils with TechOne or Civica solutions

by | 26 Oct, 2021 | Blog

Selecting the appropriate technology solutions for your Council isn’t easy. Popular finance, property, and rates systems like TechOne and Civica are great options for supporting your Council’s core revenue-generating functions. But as many Councils discover, there are other service capabilities that need to be covered. How can you provide for services like backups, DR, print and file servers, and more when you’ve already locked your Council’s IT budget into a new SaaS tool implementation that doesn’t include them?

As you’ll see in the Codify infographic below, Microsoft Azure can be a great complement to your existing finance, property, and rate system. Not only does Azure facilitate the delivery of additional service delivery functions, migrating to the cloud lets your Council take advantage of consumption-based pricing, faster speed-to-value, reduced risk (thanks to Microsoft’s involvement), and stronger options for innovation.

To learn more about how Microsoft Azure can support your existing IT infrastructure, contact Codify. Our proprietary CloudLift Solution Assessment can help you understand what a full or partial migration to Azure could look like for your Council, including evidence-backed pricing based on your unique application architecture.

Infographic Benefits of Azure for Councils

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